Sunday, April 17, 2011

sopas is ♥

nothing spells comfort food for me like good old sopas.

warm, milky, stuffed with anything and everything from the fridge. while i'm rarely the intuitive cook, this is one thing that i don't need a recipe for.

butter + onions:

add the carrots:

add broth. allow to boil. then add protein of your choice. this week, i loaded up on shabu-shabu stuff (so not regular sopas fare) chopped them all up (so that they'd cook all at the same time):

and noodles!!!! oodles of noodles ☺ this week, i used fusilli.

didn't take a picture of the final product, but let's just say that i not only had it for dinner last night, and for breakfast this morning, but i'm also planning to have it for lunch and dinner.

sopas is ♥

1 said hello!:

i♥pinkc00kies said...

comfort food esp. on a rainy day.

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