much apologies for the hazy picture. turns out i left my camera at home and i only had my camera phone to work with. plus, i wasn't really in the mood to take a better picture, sorry. it's past six already and i sorta just want to go home but i'm too lazy to make the walk to megamall yet, hence the delaying tactic also known as posting on one's blog.
it's going to be a *sort of* long weekend for us who work in pasig -- tomorrow's a holiday, thanks to P*noy's inauguration and friday's pasig day. thursday, boo, is sandwiched in between, but considering the number of stuff i have to work on, i am glad there's a thursday for me to accomplish all the stuff i have to accomplish before next week. good luck to me.
in the meantime:
☺ i was craving big time for subway yesterday afternoon, after my subway splurge on our way to nueva ecija last friday, and guess what greeted me at SM megamall -- P99 for sub of the day! happiness. the guy did ask though if i wanted the 6" or the 12" sub, which makes me think now, can i get a 12" sub for P99? i think i shall try later.
☺ tomorrow's going to be dapitan day for my lingkod action group. i've been wanting to go there for the longest time so major excitement on my part. i am excited over the little (and big) treasures that we'll find over there. goody! i just hope i wake up really early tomorrow.
☺ i am super inspired by chez larsson, a home designing blog about a working woman. sigh. i can't imagine working and having a house as lovely as hers -- especially since mine is virtually a dump. resolution: i shall save money and get my home fixed. this morning's witness, it just struck me, works in the home construction business. hmmm... bathroom re-tiling? cabinet installation? repainting? sky's the limit! ... except my budget that is.
☺ i still miss my mom a LOT these days, especially when i see little things around the house that remind me of her, but i've sort of gotten used to the routine once more. the neighborhood helpers were congregating in front of our house when i got home last night (for reasons that don't make sense to me) and they asked if mama has left already. i guess they missed the bazillions of things my mom gave away (which, had it been me, would've been sold at a price. hehehe!)
☺ this shall be all for now. don't miss me too much!
hugs and kisses,