and come on, i never really liked donuts in the first place. it's not like we're talking about fruitcake or dark chocolate with mint or something here. it's just a donut. it's something that american policemen eat while they're on duty.
and scratch the fact that i've been channelling sex and the city for most of my adult life and the fact that one episode of satc specifically talks about how miranda struggled with donuts together with this hot person.
i keep telling myself it's just a donut and i will never fall in line to buy donuts.
so when i finally fell in line at krispy kreme, i told myself, you're doing this for your favorite aunt. she had missed out on krispy kremes while she was in the US and was deathly curious about how they tasted like. i also told myself, okay, you love your cousins and they really love donuts.
and when i bit into that piece of heaven, i knew i had to eat not only my donut but my words.
screw dieting, screw pride, screw shelling out 265 bucks for a dozen donuts that aren't even in my favorite flavor (which happens to be chocolate). i must buy my own dozen. soon.
update! someone promised to get me a dozen donuts this weekend. YIPEE!
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