Wednesday, August 03, 2011


After two trips to Cabanatuan (one of which was unplanned) and two trips to Cebu (one of which was also unplanned), my house which I had so carefully cajoled into respectable status, had returned into its natural state: chaos.

In the interest of documenting things, I even took pictures. Yep, I have a tendency to overshare.

{accessories in disarray!}

{i'm admin for lingkod alabang,

doesn't give me an excuse to dump stuff in my living room though}

{the dining room table has become the catch-all for my things when i get home}

{so much for using my desk}

Now, make no mistake, there’s no way that I’m even remotely proud of the situation. On the contrary, I’m thinking that if I post the pictures online, I will be able to cajole myself into cleanliness. You got that right – I posted icky, messy pictures of my home to make sure that within a week (or two – I’ve got a lecture I have to prepare for!) I will be able to present a clean and sparkling house for your viewing!

Ready? Get set … GO!

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