Monday, September 08, 2003

yet another pair of shoes

went home from the mall yesterday with yet another pair of black shoes.

i know i don't really need another pair, and i know i can't really afford my shoe addiction anymore, and they're as impractical as hell, but they're shoes, on sale, and in my book, that ends all arguments in general.

it didn't help that they flatter my feet, that they match a skirt i haven't worn for the longest time, and that they were oh-so-comfortable.

but you have to give me some credit, still. there was another pair that i was able to resist. i've been searching for a pair exactly like them for the longest time and they were there, looking at me, asking to be bought.

from inside my bag i think i heard my wallet groan.

i walked away, only to go back to the store and ask for my size.

so much for my resolve.

thank goodness they didn't have it in my size. i think god's still watching over me and my purchases.

0 said hello!:

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