Tuesday, September 30, 2003

last night, while waiting for evidence teacher to arrive, a classmate and i wrote our hell week schedule on the board which created ripples of murmurs around the room.

one even said we must be suicidal for even coming up with that schedule.

we most probably are, cause schedule looked like this:

october 4 (w) 7-10 p.m. evidence moot court (civil case 1)
october 6 (m) 6-9 p.m. evidence moot court (civil case 2)
october 9 (th) 6-9 p.m. evidence finals
october 11 (sat) 9-12 noon tax finals
october 13 (m) 6-9 p.m. puboff finals
october 14 (t) 6-8 p.m. medjur finals
october 15 (w) 6-9 p.m. locgov finals
october 16 (th) due: tax paper
october 17 (f) 6-9 p.m. evidence moot court (criminal case 1)
october 18 (s) 9-12 noon evidence moot court (criminal case 2)

i don't know how i'll manage. because on top of these things, i have to write, defend, revise, and finalize my masteral thesis. yup, the thesis that's been the burden i've been trying to get over with the last two years.

who knows? maybe after two weeks, i'll be svelte like aubrey miles. and maybe i can finally wear a two-piece suit.




what's depressing about the evil schedule though is that i've been looking forward to watching the sergio mendez concert ever since vanessa told me about it. tone deaf as i am, i've been imagining myself singing (warbling?) to his songs while in the middle of a small crowd who appreciates his songs as much as i do.

now, while sergio mendez fans get to see balding but great singer onstage, i'll be sitting in a dress and blazer racking my brain for the proper objection to raise while steeling myself for my turn.


if that's not bad enough, i don't know how i'll manage to see la salle guy too.


i think that's the biggest tragedy of them all.

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