Monday, January 30, 2006


the pageant is finally over except for one teeny tiny but ultra important fact: we have no idea who's won yet.

i know that my feelings towards the pageant has swung from indifference to eager anticipation to fear of the unknown but right this very moment, right here, right now, i will admit to the entire world that i want to win the damn thing.

i want to be crowned miss court of appeals. i want the crown and the sash and the scepter. i want the huge kick-ass bouquet of flowers. i want to walk from one end of the stage to the other.

but what i want and what i'll get come wednesday are not necessarily one and the same.

for now, all i can do is wait.

and pray.

probably offer a candle or two.

and ready my smile just in case i end up being a "thank you girl" this time around.

0 said hello!:

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