Saturday, January 14, 2006

i've always known i have way too many shoes for my own good.

some of which i don't know why i bought in the first place, what to wear them with, or where to wear them to.

not to mention way too many bags

all of them too pretty to give away.

but now that i'm about to turn 29, i thought it was time to get my life in order. and being the shoe whore that i am, i thought it best to get started with my shoes.

each shoe with its own special place.

maybe soon after i'll get the rest of my life in order, starting with my bags.

who knows? i may succeed. either that or at the end of this organization spree, i'll finally find a new spot in my closet for that lovely teal bag i want to buy.

today i learned all about S hooks (roughly costs ten bucks per piece) and now, instead of my bags being piled one of top of each other (causing a round bag to turn into a weird piayaya shape), they are now hanging in my closet. no more deformed bags!!!

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