Thursday, January 19, 2006

once every month is cool.

once every three months tells me you're still alive and that's cool too.

once every four months tells me the thought of me pops in your head once in a while and that's cool still.

but calling me two weeks in a row like you did right after we broke up, telling me you dreamt of me last week, and giving me your schedule for the next month and a half is enough to drive me mad with questions.

questions such as "does he want me back?" and "is this just boredom?" and "why is he doing this to me?"


i better go get my copy of "he's just not that into you", read the chapter on boyfriends who break up with you and call but don't ask you back and accept the fact that unless he's at my doorstep with a huge bouquet of flowers telling me he was so wrong to have let me go, his calls don't mean shit.

0 said hello!:

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