Thursday, August 11, 2005

things i wish someone told me while i was in law school

1. codals are your friend. yes, it's okay to spend time reading the commentaries, and yes, you do have to read the cases, but codals, you gotta read the codals.

2. the bar is real. midterms and finals are nothing compared to the reality of the bar.

3. OLA, if taken seriously, will be your friend if you've coasted by law school with crappy remedial law teachers.

4. don't just cut and paste your legal forms. read, understand, and when desperate, memorize.

5. review classes, boring as they may be as electives compared to CSI, will be the best thing you can do for yourself.

6. don't mind the crappy teachers. forget the fact that they don't teach crap. study. study. and when you're really tired and cranky and hateful, study some more.

7. "coasting" through law school, while possible, is stupid.

8. it's just five years (or four, if you're in the day class). it's not going to kill you if you hide under a rock and forget shopping for a while.

incidentally, no one also told me that apparently, i had dated two guys from law school the five years i was there. wow.

0 said hello!:

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