Monday, January 31, 2005

with the exception of finals i've had to suffer through since i entered law school, i've never found myself in the position of having three midterms in one week. i've been lucky, i guess. teachers who give midterms have had this knack of avoiding my classes... rather, i've had the knack of avoiding teachers who give midterms. whatever.

anyway, my brain's pretty much mush right now. i skipped work early friday, allegedly to study but between then and this morning, all i've managed was to get some provisions of the labor code memorized and search through several laws for commercial law definition. i've also managed to:
1. watch the ginebra - san miguel game on television while watching hiram at the same time.
2. watch lovers in paris second time around - saturday AND sunday
3. watch bruce almighty on vcd
4. watch 7th heaven and gilmore girls, then the SCQ grand questor's night.
5. watch csi and a replay of fear factor
6. have lunch with my brother, buy an electric fan and a new pair of shoes
7. have dinner with pat at the new cafe adriatico at westgate

see, my social and tv life is rocking.

which isn't what i can say for my law school career.

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