Wednesday, January 26, 2005

christmas is a blue fino bagwhere i come from, not everyone is lucky enough to have a godmother wiling to fork over a little more than 5k for a blue fino bag.

fortunately, i am.

so what if my boyfriend thinks it's just yet another bag in my closet and so what if it's blue and hardly matches anything in my closet. so what if buying this bag meant i was unable to buy the lovely mauve shoes with kitten heels from enzo angiolini or meant i probably won't receive another gift until its time for the grand annual christmas shopping spree from my dad's side of the family. so what if pastel colored bags will probably go out of style one of these days and it's probably going to gather molds in my closet sometime in the future.

i've stared at this bag since they came out with it sometime last year. i'm the cause of that rut on the floor fronting all fino display windows, especially the ones in atc and shangri-la. i've contemplated on how this bag will look on my shoulder, on my hands, and on the crook of my elbow more than i've contemplated marrying my boyfriend. i've had dreams where i'd be gallivanting in a mall using this bag. i've put this bag on my "things to have in 2004" list, and i miserably failed in giving my boyfriend hints that this was all i wanted for christmas.

and so, the hell with practicality. i've got a godmother willing to buy it for me and nothing (and no one) could make me stop her from doing it.

0 said hello!:

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