Friday, June 27, 2003


couldn't post yesterday since blogger was "moving" my blog over to new blogger and all i can say now that i've seen the window where you type in your posts is wow.

* * *

small world

funny how you can immediately spot a frat newbie. was waiting for tax photocopies to be done yesterday when there was this nice looking boy (yeah, they're all boys now, with me in fourth year and them fresh straight from college) asked if he could pick up the cases of the head honcho and the former vice-head honcho.

ah. clearly, this boy was from frat-that-thou-shall-not-name-unless-i-want-them-to-find-out-i-have-a-blog.

he struck a conversation with me after i let out a little (it was so tiny it had to be personal but he just had to notice) laugh when i realized that yes, he was a newbie alright. found out who he was, what he was indeed doing was service, and that small-teeny-tiny-world, he was the blockmate of monday gal through jae who i met through pam who i met through ... long story.

the world just keeps getting smaller. all of a sudden, people who you think you'd know only online start becoming real people.

0 said hello!:

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