Thursday, August 09, 2007

happy birthday, crazy boy

i bet if you knew how complicated our friendship would be, you would never have picked up the phone last february 15, 2005. but you did, and the rest, as the cliche goes, is history.

two and half years of friendship. two and half years of generosity: soupy snacks, maty's tapsilog, corned beef for four sunday mornings, with lovely pencil pictures to go with the breakfast, and a lovely nine west bag all the way from the US. two and a half years of patience: phone-e-oke, and we all know how horrible i sing. two and a half years of being spoiled: that shoe calendar i wanted, a huge bag of peanut m&ms which i requested, and him not only delivering my hotel reservation fee to UP but bringing me a box of cello's chocolate donuts which he picked up on the way home.

on birthdays, people are supposed to get presents. but what do you do when the celebrant himself is the present that keeps on giving?

well, for one i'd take out total eclipse of the heart from our phone-e-oke selection. and i'm really, really, really going to try to be nice to you and give in to you, even if it be only for a week. and maybe, i'd finally post something you've wanted me to put up for the last two years.

happy birthday, crazy boy. i don't have to tell the whole world exactly how i feel about you, but since it's your birthday...

i hate you.

you know exactly what that means. :)

0 said hello!:

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