Tuesday, July 19, 2005

the sad reality of shoes that don't fit...

i was excited about the shoes for a week, so excited that i resisted the rockwell sale. i was so excited i dreamt about shoes floating in the air. so excited that when my aunt SMSd that she'd be in rockwell today, i ditched the entire schedule i had mapped out in my head and rushed over.

only to realize that they don't fit.

well, they do, but they don't fit well. put it this way: had i been in the store trying on the shoes, i wouldn't have bought them if only because my feet look like some drag queen's feet squashed in too tiny shoes.

but they're 7 1/2! every single pair i bought from nine west are 7 1/2-M and they fit wonderfully, like a snug glove even. every single pair i asked my aunt to buy for me from the US were 7 1/2s and they fit perfectly.

so why, why, why do these lovely, sexy, made for strutting down ateneo library shoes make my feet look like fat sausages?

*sigh* it's almost enough to make me hate shoes for life.

but, as i said, ALMOST, but not quite. i just bought a pair of lovely turquoise driving shoes yesterday and those, if i say so myself, are happiness personified.

0 said hello!:

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