Friday, July 08, 2005

i'm interrupting the shallow nature of this blog to bring something which has been on my mind the last couple of days:

gloria, please resign.

i finally was able to listen to the tapes (yes, i'm pretty behind) last sunday and was lucky enough to listen to it while reading the transcripts. while the fact that cheating had been going on didn't really bother me (i KNEW there was some cheating happening, there always is) the blatant way in which it was being done saddened me a great deal.

i never really trusted gloria, from the time when she banked on her nora aunor look-alike pictures when she was campaigning for senator when i was in college up until she swore in as president immediately after edsa 2. i had hoped ANYONE but gloria would win, and i actually woke up early last may 2004 to cast my vote against gloria.

and now that every eddie, cory, and susan has his or her own idea about what should happen with our government, my greatest fear is that one day, i'd wake up and there'd be people power all over again.

the other day they featured on the news the junta government that some sectors wanted and i must admit it sent a chill through my spine, especially that part where they wanted to suspend the supreme court and replace it with their own version of a judiciary (paano na bar exam? nooooooooo!).

she's holding on so that democracy to prevail. she asked her cabinet to resign in order to replace them with people who will be "blemish-free" (take note that the president assigns these people out of faith and confidence in their abilities). she's blindly ignoring the call of the filipino people to hold on to power that she so gladly seized last 2000 from erap.

it's funny how she was thrilled with edsa 2 but now puts down people power as a "vice" of the filipino people.

the last couple of times god found me inside the church i prayed for the bar examinations. tomorrow, god'll find me inside a church again, but tomorrow, i pray for gloria to resign.

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