Monday, June 13, 2005

having been accused of being an imelda by some friends, i realized that it was about time that i gave away some of the shoes i haven't worn in a while. i went through some sixty or so boxes of shoes, hemmed and hawed about which to give away and which to keep, and within an hour, came up with ten or so pairs that i told myself i wouldn't really miss.

quite generous i might say.

shoe give awaybefore i had a chance to change my mind, i hauled the boxes outside, place them beside the trashcan and hoped that some girl out there would fall in love with them, take them home, and enjoy what joy these old shoes can still give to a budding imelda.

after an hour, i checked again. they were gone, all gone.

happy with my generous spirit and with the very organized shoe area, i took a bath and readied myself to get some serious studying for the day. it was then when i began feeling a bit woozy.

maybe it's just cause i'm tired, i told myself.

i took a nap. i woke up. i woke up with a real kick ass fever. and that's how it's been for me since saturday.

apparently, being away from spike will only make me evil. being away from spike + giving away ten pairs of shoes will make me sick. very sick.

sick in bed

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