Tuesday, January 20, 2004

twins again

there was a time when i was taller than him... it hasn't been that way for a while. i'm 26. he's 26, today.
we're both addicted to animal crossing and fried barbecue from our lola.
we both went to UP, although he went to manila and i went to diliman.
we both had misgivings about not going to ateneo.
we used to wear matching outfits.

and in spite of fights, shouting matches, wrestling matches, i love him.

some kids wish for little sisters, i never did that. i loved my brother. although i'd spit at him when i'm pissed and i'd get the larger piece of porkchop to piss him off.

some kids wish for big brothers, i did that, sometimes. but now he's bigger than me and he does act more mature most of the time, so i guess i got my wish.

when i look at him i believe that someday, he's going to make some girl happy. for now, we'll just have to settle with girls. yep, he can make all of them happy.

26 years ago i stopped being the baby when you came into my life. can i just tell you i'm glad it was you?

0 said hello!:

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