Wednesday, January 14, 2004

no pictures, yet.
no inspiring/funny/cute/happy/love-filled posts, yet.
no lengthy discourses on the meaning of life, yet.

i've been stuck in my dorm room since monday evening churning page after page after page of almost-bulls**t that should pass as a mind-shattering, earth-shaking thesis next friday.

my calorie intake has been limited to those that come from hershey's mint chocolate kisses and blue skies. my lovelife has been limited to text messages that contain "argh!" and "i luv u!" and nothing more. i take a bath only when law school calls at six in the evening. i've been a walking zombie.

come back in a day or two. by then i would've cleaned up, be sweet-smelling and pretty again, and this blog will be full of funny witticisms.

but until then, get on your knees and pray for me. it's going to be a tough one this time around.

0 said hello!:

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