Saturday, December 22, 2007

today (or should i say yesterday considering it's already saturday), for lack of a more appropriate term, was horrible.

ideally, it was supposed to be great: we're basically done with the work for the year, our boss is taking out to lunch again (she took us yesterday to penang hill for our office party), and i'm headed out to cabanatuan, nueva ecija to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. except that i woke up late, was unable to pack stuff (i'll be spending a looooong time away from home these coming days), and had major indigestion (too much information?) because of the spicy lunch we had (very low tolerance for anything remotely spicy). but then, if i were to really think about it, the day should've turned out better cause i had a nice chat with g and r, spent time with g, p, and a, and basically helped out a friend.

still, i don't know, hormones maybe? it was just a day i'd rather strike off the books.

and to think christmas is just around the corner.

anyway, i've decided what my christmas gift for myself will be: i want a portable dvd player with a screen. sooner (and not later), i hope to finally be able to get it for myself.

advanced merry christmas, everyone!

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