Tuesday, December 06, 2005

i'm beginning to think i am relationship retarded.

i'm 28, and single.

when i was in college, naive, and in a loving relationship, i thought i'd get married by 25 and have kids by 28. i thought 30 was so old, and i though that i'd have the world at my feet by 40. 50 seemed so old, and a six-year age gap was something i knew would make my friends' eyebrows rise.

goodness. if i can talk to my 21 year old self, i'd probably whack her in the head for not knowing anything worth knowing.

28, and i don't think i can give up my crazy lifestyle which involves eating take out most of the time.

28, and still living in my parents' house and heavily in debt because of my almost three-year-old car.

28, and unable to commit to a relationship long enough to see it through the good times and the bad.

28, and unable to imaging myself having kids and sending them to school, and staying up all night to feed them.

see. there is a reason why i am single.

and now i know.

0 said hello!:

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