Thursday, September 22, 2005

Nowadays she's pretty exhausted to agonize on the last bloody Sunday. I suppose it's like engaging in dodge ball. She knows that the ball's coming at her but, instead of making the usual big wide steps to avoid getting hit, she's calculated so well the ball's velocity and the time it should knock her off the game, that all she does is do an ala-Matrix acrobat.

And so, she goes out once in a while with her date - whoever the author of the book she is required to study.

Tuesday found her in Figaro in Town, pigging out on pasta and a pint of BTIC, and studying legal forms and stuff that comprise remedial law. A few hours after lunch, she realized that the place wasn't conducive to study. Meanwhile, in the back of her mind, she was contemplating on whether to go the distance and buy a new pair of shoes.

When she's at home, she studies in the kitchen. And I'm afraid there's not much to consume there unless she's shopped for junk food from Puregold. Or if she asks me to send her food.

Yesterday, we were at Festival Mall - she had a pizza-pasta buffet with her brother, while I was somewhere strolling inside the mall with my mom who wanted me to shop shoes for her. That time, I wanted to trade places with Rox. I knew that she'd rather feast on nine west pairs than on hawaiian pizza. Or maybe not. And she would love walking with my mom because both of them are sort of school snobs (the U.P. and "others" attitude). I simply wanted to sit and fork the pasta. Heck. I would even foot (no pun intended) the bill for her and Kit, even without his invite to have lunch with them.

(Rox, it's awfully sweet of you to say that you'd rather want me to trade places with Kit. But, in my opinion, bros are better off sitting and probably babe-watching while gurls glam hunt in the mall.)

I realized a jaw-dropping detail about Rox yesterday. She is a walking as far as her malls - mothership, town and festival - are concerned. From store events to location, she can be your ultimate mall guide. This is a stern caveat to her would-be boyfriend. Never use a mall event as an alibi unless you want your ego (and balls) crushed.

Incoming side bar...

Dear Rox, given that the main roads of BF (Tropical, Elizalde and Aguirre) have been opened to the public, I don't feel like my usual conyo self anymore. Wala na. Di na kayo exclusive. Transfer na to Alabang. Hehe.

0 said hello!:

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