Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I thought I interested her with a grotesque pen that has a red orange body and half of a human brain on one end. The ink's black.

"Yes, I like the pen."

I had two of those pens so I could give her which ever half of the brain she wanted. It took her a few secs to think about which half she wanted.

To help her out, I asked which part of her brain she thinks she exhausts more.

"Do you know that I can use both?"

She answered my question with a question that was meant to suggest that there's scientific evidence why she deserved her university latin honors.

Candidly, I am not well-read as to which fraction of the brain is fuller of zip when you're creative like me. Or shopaholic like her.

Withdraw that last statement. I'm sure she'll object. Or disagree and then maim based on the preponderance of evidence. Whichever. It doesn't matter. Relevance is hearsay, as far as I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me, Doc.

What the! It appears that the active side of my brain just got upset. Too much banter with a bar examinee in between bloody Sundays is like attending to someone whose execution has been stayed.

Scattered brains. That's what I get for excessive twirling of the bizarre pen between my fingers. (Do isko people still do this when answering tests or listening to a lec?)

So how did we settle the case of the grotesque pen?

We never got to that part. There was something more important to decide upon that minute, which, by now, I managed to forget what it was.

0 said hello!:

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