Friday, February 13, 2004

it's friday the 13th and things are going swell
so far

i've been silent, i know. it's not that i've got nothing to say, cause honestly, i've got lots. things just haven't been going very well for me. in fact, if i may say so, things have been the dumps lately.

i've consired writing about my problems and ranting and hating people. i've thought of sending out pleas for help to people who i know would be glad to lend a hand. but somehow i've mellowed down. angst does not make for good writing. it just gives more people ammunition against you.

so you must know then that the prospect of friday the 13th wasn't something i was looking forward to. my mom, unsuperstitious person that she is, absolutely refuses to leave the house on a friday the 13th. i wouldn't go that far, especially with a day full of stuff to do, but the fear was there.

but who would've known that the day was going to turn out great.

swell, if i may say so myself.


cause i won a radio contest. yup, rosa the girl who sends SMS while driving and sings to 103.5 klite songs while in traffic finally put these two things together (just the klite and SMS, not the singing) and got something out of it.

dinner for two.
movie premiere tickets to something's gotta give.

now, it's all good, i tell you. it's all good.

0 said hello!:

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