Thursday, July 10, 2003

the one

what is it with women that we always keep thinking that he'll be the one. of course we'd be all pakipot and mahinhin and all that rules crap but once we fall hopelessly, madly in love with the lovee, we conveniently forget the checklist, drop all expectations, and believe that he is the one.

it doesn't matter if he didn't graduate from a good school (hence cannot be a good tutor to your future children) or cannot even dribble a basketball (totally killing the only sport you can play), once we've said he's it, we're able to convince ourselves that he's it.

which is stupid really, cause given the fickle nature that most women have, or at least i have, the moment the relationship with pseudo-"the one" turns a bit sour and another potential "the one" comes strutting along, well, the eye wanders, the mind conjures up all the stuff back from the checklist and you brandish it like you would a contract saying, "you don't have this, and this, and this ..." and bring up the often used line, "you don't love me like you used to."

i wish i could be like a guy. my brother, hot stud that he is, has three girls. one happens to be a very successful manager in a cebu-based boat company. she earns twice as much as i do, is very competent at her job, and is quite cute. the second one graduated from physical therapy with honors and is pursuing med school. the third one's in canada, has bought a home for her family, is sending her siblings to school there, and is doing quite well for herself.

the amazing thing is that whenever one of them would do the tampong pururot thing, he'd give them the line -- fine, leave.

and they don't. he never chases after them, has denied that valentine's is a holiday, and conveniently forgets anniversaries, birthdays, and christmas. he's been together with them for two years (or more) already and they're one happy polygamous family. i bet they all think he's the one.

what is it with men and women these days?

i swear... singleness is beginning to sound like a good deal.

0 said hello!:

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