Saturday, October 08, 2005

i know i said i was going to do a whole lot of fun stuff after the bar. massage, haircut, hair treatments, manicure and pedicure, and a major shopping spree. with the exception of the haircut that i desperately needed, i haven't done any of those yet.

i mean, buying a pair of shoes does not count as a shopping spree, right?

what's funny though is that a week into my job as EA5 (i dunno what that means but that's what my position is) and i've actually forgotten about "the grand post-bar plan". i'm actually enjoying work, and similar to a pre-schooler who can't wait to go to school, i can't wait to go to work. not only that, i manage to hit the books for half an hour each night researching for the decisions i'm drafting.

once more i've turned into part nerd, part recluse. and somehow, i'm loving it. not even robinson's manila, which happened to be one of my most favorite malls in the past, can lure me from my desk when i've begun writing.

for the past week, my schedule's been like, wake-up, go to work, go home, curl up with a good book, and sleep. i've managed to read three fiction books already and finish a decision, a whole lot of resolutions, and am halfway through another decision.

and total mall expense? P319, for the shoes.

i don't know how long i'll get to keep this up though. but until the feeling fades away, i guess the entire world is stuck with rosa the nerd.

so you better love that, for now.

0 said hello!:

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