Friday, May 21, 2004

getting back into the habit of posting is difficult. i used to be able to churn out stuff for this blog, ranging from god-i-hate-my-job posts to i-am-so-in-love-with-this-guy until it becomes i-fell-in-love-with-a-loser-f*ck-that.

now i can't seem to write anything.


the lakers won, game 5 being absolutely amazing in terms of that four-tenths of a second to go shot but i can't say anything about that except, I TOLD YOU SO!

the pilot and i are doing great but i don't want to write anything about that either, lest i go through this blog five months in the future and hit my head against the wall cause i sounded like a sappy teenager.

then again, i could be reading this blog five months later with no written memories of my love affair. dang. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

now, i've just used up 17 minutes of my life. i haven't written anything of consequence, nothing even remotely interesting.

but, at least i posted. that's way more than what the madponies have done.

0 said hello!:

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