Monday, August 09, 2004

and to think i thought this monday was going to be a good one.

i must've been on dope.

from the moment my ass landed at home friday evening to yesterday at 4p.m. i've been plodding around the house doing nothing but eat, sleep, and watch t.v. by 3 yesterday afternoon, i began seeing redrum* everywhere and so i took pat's invitation to go out and meet his friend which meant going to the mall which meant seeing the sale which meant buying cheap but lovely new shoes on sale at janylin.

and as we all know, lovely new shoes means ultra-mega-watt excitement to go to work, even on a wet cold i'd-rather-stay-in-bed-all-day weather. of course, pat promising to drop by for lunch was a good thing too. new shoes + sweetie seeing me in new shoes = amazing day.

sometimes, not even new shoes could change the fact that your boyfriend cancelled on you.

fever, albeit a very slight fever.

pat, being a boy, of course did the let-me-try-to-make-you-feel-guilty-by-saying-i'd-go-anyway route. "i'm sick" he said, complete with the whiny baby voice.

"really?" i said.

"yeah." ::coughing::

"so you can't come?" i knew it, i told my myself. four days in a row is too good to be true.

::coughing:: "i'll try" ::coughing:: "i'll drink medicine" ::whiny gurgling::

so in the end, i knew what he wanted me to say was "it's okay sweetie, no problem, just stay at home" and so i said that, forget the fact that my ears were getting red cause i'm so sick and tired of him being, well, sick all the time.

i know i'm evil.

but sometimes, i just couldn't get it why some people are sick all the time.

it's windy, they get sick. it's drizzling, they get sick. it's sunny, they get sick.

no wonder doctors make a whole lot of money.

and so today i'm cranky.

this monday ain't gonna be a good one.

*come on, you must know this one, right?


i finally met ara.

it was great, we laughed a lot, and we found out that we've got at least one thing in common:

a disbelief that anyone who has stopped wearing socks with her uniform has to be home by 9.


0 said hello!:

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