Friday, March 12, 2004

my hits have increased.

i am not pleased.


because word of his death has spread. some people in the online community have started writing about his last post, and have pasted my link.

and in true filipino fashion, people have made a circus out of it.

and oh, stories, lots of stories filtering around.

that i am kat. no, i am not. read the blog. countless times it says rosa.
that i didn't show enough remorse. shock?
that i showed too much remorse. does the word best friend not mean anything?
that he was stupid. maybe, maybe not. do YOU know the entire story?
that it was one huge drama and we were pulling people's legs. like anyone has the time to do something like that?

fuck. why am i even explaining?

because you dumbwits have turned this into a circus.

someone, a real person, passed away.

yes, he may have been weak, and yes, he may have been stupid for taking the easy way out. but in the end, we have to learn from the mistake he made. we don't turn it into a circus, post links all over the place, and jump to conclusions.

have you read the rest of his blog?
have you read the rest of mine?

go fuck yourselves.

maybe, just maybe, you'd be better off.

0 said hello!:

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