Tuesday, June 22, 2004

i've got the morning routine of gnat and sometimes that gets me worried.

see my internal plumbing tells me i'm a girl, and so does my intense love for shoes, bags, and shopping in general. before i fell madly in love with the pilot, i used to rubberneck when a good-looking guy passes by. i do like pink and flowers and frilly stuff. so i know, i am a girl.

but my morning routine, especially compared to that of my roommate, gets me worried.

i can be ready in 30 minutes. leisurely preparation for me would be 45 minutes, tops. to straighten my hair in the morning using a flat iron would take another 15 minutes, and 15 minutes only because i get tired and bored after 15 minutes so usually i end up with one side flat and the other side fluffy. i've got my morning routine down to a science.

my dear roommate, on the other hand, takes eons. today, we both had to be more or less ready by six. she woke up at four. i woke up at 5:30. she was still wrapped in a towel by 6. i was out the door by six. i was too lost in dreamworld to figure out what she did exactly between the time she woke up and the time i woke up, but i know that although we entered the bathroom the same time, by the time she was done, all i had to put on were my shoes.

one day maybe i'll just bubble up if i get caught in a downpour. but as long as i make sure i scrub properly even those places where the sun don't shine, i think i'm okay.

i haven't received any complaints. yet.

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