Tuesday, January 27, 2004

shoe love

it called out to me from the bottom rack. a guy would've simply said that it was just another pair of black pumps and given the number of black pumps in my shoe rack, i had no need for them.

but no. they were, in my eyes, very lovely, and they were going to be mine, mine, mine. i had only a slight bit of a problem. i couldn't afford them.

never one to let money come between me and my shoes, i devised a way of getting them that involved convincing my only girl cousin to want them as much as i did, then telling my grandmother how lovely it would be for her only two granddaughters to have the same pair of shoes, and smile prettily while showing them off to a bevy of relatives who were in town for lunch. it wasn't long before two very happy twenty-something girls had a mango paperbag slung over their shoulders, said paperback containing one very beautiful pair of shoes.

and let me tell you why they're simply divine. check out the picture to your left. you will see how they're not just black pointy pumps, they're black pointy pumps with a hot pink insole. yep, hot BARBIE pink insoles.

now, if you're one of them metrosexuals and say, "well, that's been done before and there's nothing really new with cute-colored insoles," check out the underside of the shoe. yep, they're the same hot BARBIE pink too. and it just keeps getting better.

see, they've also got this nice simple detail on the side made up of cute velvet flowers. if you don't really like the nice velvet flowers, you can always wear pants. but, if you love nice velvet flowers, well, they're there.

and given vertically challenged me and definitely not vertically challenged him, the 3 1/2" sexy stiletto heels are definitely THE thing.

of course they made my feet hurt like crazy when i first wore them. and of course you couldn't walk very far in them, much less drive stick shift. you couldn't do a whole of things while wearing them like go shopping or run errands. you might get cranky after an hour of trying to stand prettily in them while chatting with your date.

i agree, they're not the most practical things in the world. and yes, i agree, the money could've been used in a better way, like paying off car debt.

but still.

shoe love. yep, shoe love reigns.

rosa <3 shoes, especially new mango shoes. just don't expect to see me walking around in them.

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