Thursday, January 08, 2004

my body's in pain and i've got nothing to show for it

food for the non-goddess the gym and i have been buddies for a month today and contrary to the trainor's promises (and other gym-loving people out there) that i'll be happier, sexier, and more alive in general within a month of my membership, all i've got to show for it are sore muscles.

well, i did miss out on a lot of gym time over the christmas vacation.
and i did eat way too much barbecue and drank way too much pepsi blue.
and i did sleep more than my usual five hours, plus i took long happy naps that would start at lunch and end sometime when it's dark already, only to turn into actual sleep a couple of hours later.

so, i slacked off. and fine, i do have no one to blame but myself.

so, resolute into winning the boracay bet with jay, i made a promise to myself that from this day onwards, yogurt will be my friend.

i want ice cream? no. yogurt.
i want cake? no. yogurt.
i want chocolate? no. yogurt.

yes, yogurt is my friend.

except that when you want a cheeseburger, a yogurt just wouldn't cut it. and you'd end up eating a whole of of useless stuff until you finally bite into that juicy, yummy, fat cheeseburger.

trust me, i know. only half an hour ago, i betrayed my yogurt friend for a cheeseburger.

0 said hello!:

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