Friday, January 30, 2004


i'm stuck in this prison when i could be having a grand time in the sunken gardeni never really had a problem with my attendance. my mom made us go to school ALL the time. nothing was that big an emergency to stay home for.
slight fever? tempra.
family member passed away? he's dead already. he can wait after class.
brother in the operating room? you're not a doctor. come after class.

going to school became so ingrained in me and my brother that, in a conversation we had recently, we both discovered that neither of us had ever really cut in our lives just for the heck of it.

but then saturday afternoons + extreme classroom heat + long drawn out lectures = me gazing out the window towards the sunken garden and wishing that i had what it takes to cut that darn frigging class.

0 said hello!:

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