Monday, June 14, 2004

clothes whore

i may walk like a guy, drive like a crazed lunatic, love basketball like any male fanatic, have the morning routine of a five-year-old schoolboy but never let anyone tell you that i do not love shoes, clothes, and bags like any decent girl does.

cause i do. i really do.

which is quite surprising how ever since i was entitled to a clothing allowance for work, i've never used it to buy clothes. in years past i've used it to buy law books, a spiffy bright planner from fino, and countless other stuff that definitely weren't clothes.

this year, i made a resolve. it's not often that anyone gets P3,000 (i know it's not much but still, for someone broke like me, it is a LOT of money!) in cash for clothes. this year, the clothing allowance will go to, well, clothes.

armed with my atm, no sale at the mall, but very definite ideas as to how i will use my money, i left the house at 1030 to make it to the mall a little past opening time.

my mom may not be proud of how her daughter used to think she was a boy, but she will definitely be proud of how i made good use of my P3,000 bucks shopping.

i've got 5 new tops and 2 pairs of pants. i could have somehow squeezed in a pair of pink shoes on sale (lovely lovely pink shoes i've always wanted to buy and is now on 50% off and fit me perfectly!) but i had to get some kikay stuff too.

i'd like to think i did pretty good with my 3k.

in the wake of yet another loss by the lakers, and because i am tired of explaining to people that it's all about keeping the finals on for as long as possible to generate more income, i found someone who writes WAY better than i do to explain it in detail.

0 said hello!:

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