Thursday, November 27, 2003

i've got more shoes than i care to wear.

it doesn't help that i'm addicted to them.
or that stores are always having sales.
or that i invent special occassions so i can buy shoes.
or that i actually work hard at convincing myself that i absolutely need another pair.

within one pay period i actually bought three pairs. and each pair has its own story that would convince you, diehard critic of my spending habits, that they were absolutely necessary.

the first pair were nike cross trainers to fuel my dreams of becoming as delicious as aubrey miles.

the second pair, bought a week and a day later, were a pair of cream strappy sandals with 2 1/2" heels to replace the pair i was wearing. sandal straps breaking in the middle of a date is so worth a post, i know, and i did post, except that blogger decided not to upload it for reasons of its own.

three days later, and a fun holiday right smack in the middle of the work week, found me inside the mall -- again -- with no plans of buying shoes at all. all i wanted was lunch, shampoo, and a bar of soap. but then there was this nice pair of black sandals -- with heels to make the boy happy -- which were being sold for 50% off its regular price. then i remembered last saturday's experience where i had to do a talk in a pre-school and all the shoes i had with me were either boots, work-day pumps, cross trainers, cool rubbershoes for jeans or weekend sandals. *gasp* i had nothing NOTHING at all for a weekend pre-school talk for parents. i had to have black sandals with heels. i needed them, i remembered thinking that day, if only to come off as a more credible speaker. so it clearly was imperative that i buy this pair.

i know i'm being totally ditzy here, and materialistic at that.

wait until i get started on this bag i've been crushing on.

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