Thursday, January 13, 2011

major blooper

when i do my groceries, for some inexplicable reason, i get three of something. three cans of my favorite 555 sardines. three cans of my favorite whole corn kernel. three bags of chips (but not anymore!). as a matter of fact, just this morning, i bought three bags of various lettuce (bagong buhay!) from the farm girl who comes here every time the farm has excess produce.

when it comes to shoes, its usually horribly expensive to buy three of something. plus, who would want three of the same pair, right? but, i have this habit of buying two pairs in different colors when i can't pick between two. hence, one pink and one blue flowered ballet flats from robinsons a long time ago, one hot pink and one teal ballet flats from bayo, one black and one brown strappy sandals from i can't remember where, and one brown and one black round toe "sensible shoes" from aldo. it's an addiction, i tell you, an addiction i don't plan to get cured soon.

last week, three of us from the legal department headed off to trinoma cause i wanted something from landmark. my boss brought us to designer's boulevard to check out the shoes and, lo and behold, there it was -- uber lovely round-toe slingbacks from steve madden. i liked the bronze ones, but i liked the pewter ones too. so i bought both. as i said -- an addiction that will go untreated till the day i die.

the difficult thing though with having two of everything is the confusiong that comes, especially when you're up by 5 am and you're rushing like crazy to get to work on time. i grabbed the pair of shoes from my shoe cabinet in the dark and stuffed it inside my shoe bag before heading out of the house in my crocs. guess what greeted me when i opened my shoe bag when i got to work: one bronze shoe and one pewter shoe. i don't know whether to laugh or cry. here i am, feeling fabulous in one of my favorite dresses, hair blown out by the parlor so it's not fluffy or anything, face all made up (i've finally figured out how to quickly "do" my face without appearing like i'm covering a multitude of sins) only to be walking about in mismatched shoes.

then again, i can always say i couldn't decide which pair goes well with my outfit so i decided to wear both.

ooohhhh... what a major blooper, i tell you. and you know what's worse? the fact that i have to be all authoritative and what not in a work-related thing in ten minutes. gaaaah.

i just have to hope they won't check out my shoes. because right now, the choice is between my bronze/pewter heels and crocs ... and i don't think i can get away with crocs.

3 said hello!:

The Gasoline Dude™ said...

A major LOL!

commuter said...

Haha! LOL! I still can't put away my smile!

D@phne L@ur@ said...

So hilarious!

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