Monday, July 19, 2004

when people get coupled, they begin hanging out with each other more than they hang out with their friends and family. invitations get to be for you and your significant other, people have a tendency to look for him, and god forbid that you don't bring him to an event, especially when people have heard about him but have never seen him yet. why? because catty boys and girls begin labeling your significant other as Snufalufagus, the boyfriend that only you can see.

unfortunately for me, even if the pilot happens to live about fifty steps away from my house, law school takes me exactly 31 kilometers away from him from monday to saturday. given the gasoline prices plus the traffic plus tollgate plus wear & tear brough about by the roads in metro manila equals very little time with pat.

which brings me to the question, how much time should a couple spend with each other?

internet couples and those in long distance relationships tell you that time together is not as important as quality time. maybe true. but then given the number of couples who do break up once they start actually hanging out with each other tell you that there's something significantly wrong with not really hanging out with the other person. after all, watching how a guy deals with metro manila traffic or how a girl eats can tell you lots about the other person.

then you've got those people who are literally glued at the hip. they do everything together. a day apart is a day in virtual hell. is that good? maybe. maybe not. a couple in college spent every single day of college together then broke up right after graduation. the guy wanted to "explore his options." baloney.

so i don't know. sometimes i get cranky cause my boyfriend's hardly around. sometimes i like the freedom being alone brings me.

maybe i'll never know the answer.

but then again, maybe you do.

0 said hello!:

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