Friday, September 05, 2003

my unsolicited opinion on a couple of things

on tim yap

it won't be hard to admit that i was never a fan. he was interesting, at best. but then i met him and i instantly turned into a fan.

i didn't even have to read yaparazzi to be a convert.

he was gorgeous. he looked kind. he was polite. he wasn't a snob.

and he dressed really well. absent the feather boas and fur, he's just like any hot guy you'd make googoo eyes at greenbelt with.

so i've realized that i make a lot of judgments about people. sometimes, one jumps to conclusions about a person simply because he writes about inconsequential things. or because he'd rather party that do an 8-to-5 desk job (not that he needs to at all).

he looked real. and in this world where even blog entries are faked, that's good enough for me.


on not having a cellphone

one rare day you'd realize that you left home without it. it happens to be the rare day that you did make it out of the dorm before 6:30. it happens on the day when you have a million things on your calendar and can't spare the fifteen or so minutes to go back, park, walk to your room, hunt for it, and come back out.

and so for the first time, you're out of touch. it's been a while. way back in college, you had that huge palo-palo cellphone that only a rich and very ardent suitor would call. then you switched over to a pager which received everything from a hesitant "i love you" that someone told an operator instead of you, to a list of things your mom wants you to pick up before you head home. then it was text, which technically, gave you both a pager and cellphone. you've always been in touch. never mind that there'd be days when your phone was virtually silent. as long as you had that little vibrating thing get out you perverts who are thinking of something else within reach, things would be swell.

now it's exactly twelve kilometers away from me.

if i start breaking down in the middle of the day, don't blame me. blame that part of me who made me want to go to work early and was too square to turn around and pick it up.


on ACT II popcorn, the kettle corn kind*

this popcorn tastes so good that i doubt it's the kind that'll help you lose weight.

it doesn't even need butter.

or salt.

and this "no salt" part is a biggie because popcorn (and fries!) have to have salt. huge doses of salt.

although - and i know happyclam will agree with me on this - it sure still cannot beat robinson's movieworld popcorn. nothing can beat that.

*i'm not really sure but i'm sure if you gave supernanny money and sent her over to shopwise she'd know what kind to buy

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