Tuesday, October 11, 2005

i'm convinced: yahoo messenger hates me.

not only does it hate me, it hates me with a passion. a passion i have never witnessed all those years when i was stuck using MSN messenger to chat with my parents.


in the beginning, it was just a simple matter of "delayed messages". my dad would buzz me incessantly thinking i had fallen asleep or that i had left the pc running which i ran to the other room to watch bits and pieces of CSI (which, admittedly, i'd do sometimes) only to realize that YM, much like a sucat-baclaran fx, would patiently wait until it had all the messages it wanted then dump them within seconds of each other on my dad's pc. that wasn't really fun, but being sun cellular subscriber, i'm pretty much familiar with the concept of message lag... and somehow, wasn't really bothered by it.

eventually, the problem turned into YM arbitrarily deciding it wants to stop me from chatting, maybe cause anna and i have been making certain people lait (i'm sorry if i'm writing this way, but really, there isn't really any other way to capture the emotion, right?)without guilt. one minute i'd be happily typing away, the next minute i'd be stuck with the sleeping icon.

now, YM has gotten trickier. last sunday, it involved YM refusing to launch its window. i clicked, right clicked, used even the icon on my internet browser, all to no avail. YM, at least to me, was simply just not going to happen. sometimes, it would show me the bouncing yellow happy face over and over again. it would bounce, display the message "connecting rvillanv", pause - as if to tell me, almost there! almost there - then go on bouncing again. i wait, and wait, and wait, and it never connects.

by the time i actually get to connect to YM, after several PC restarts and after battling with my sucky dial-up ISP, the person i was supposed to chat with, has left the room already.


i hope that google comes up with something soon. much like the way it revolutionized searching online, emailing, and blogging, i hope that google will do something about instant messaging. i am at wit's end with YM, especially with parents who seem to have no plans of coming home anytime soon and friends so busy that you only get to chat with them online instead of real life. one day, i might smash the pc i'm using out of sheer frustration, but since the reality of an apple iBook beneath my fingers still months away, i'm going to have to exercise what little patience i have in dealing with the situation.

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