Monday, April 12, 2004

summer, finally

when you're a student, summer starts after you put that final period in the final bluebook on your last final exam. the feeling is heady, like you can't get over the fact that another schoolyear has ended and that you've got two whole months of just slumming in your bed.

i wish i were a full-time student. that would've meant that my summer would've begun after i turned in my crummy private international law integrated outline.

but i'm not. i'm a teacher. that meant going over requirements i regret having given, putting a grade on each of them, and having lengthy notes why those were the grades i gave them for the course. it means computing, coming up with gradesheets, and ultimately deciding whether to give that really hardworking kid a 1.75 instead of a 2.0.

however, at 8:30 a.m. today, i was finally able to finish my grades.

yep, for the first time, i turned them in before the deadline.


summer vacation, here i come.

first stop, cheesy as it may be, is enchanted kingdom.

space shuttle, rio grande rapids, and anchors away, we meet again.

0 said hello!:

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